well, been cramming in the lib 4 the ielts and feel like really wanna scream in the lib. really boring stuff. but as this person exp, o.5 does make a difference so i better watch out.
So, read is what i did n i came across a book dat i had read in my primary school and had been looking 4 it since. Its called Siri Cerita 25 Nabi and i doubt whether i'll come across it at any book store again since it was published in 1987. what great about this book is dat it is easily to read and gaya penceritan dia pun menarik, xboring. and the family connection is always mentioned so you know who's related to who. So, for those who are in despair and in need, i'm gonna quote two stories from the book.
1. Kisah Nabi Yusuf A.S
Thrown into jail due to Zulaikha lies, Nabi Yusuf a.s couldn't anymore happier to escape from the worldly temptations and that Allah had granted his wish to be jailed. There, he preached to the inmates about Allah and that only He deserved to be worshiped. There he met this two guy Saqi and Khilaz, who came to know about his ability to interpret and predict dreams. Having told him their dream, Nabi Yusuf a.s predict that Saqi will be reappointed into the palace staff again within the next three days while Khilaz will be executed, also within the next three days. His prediction came true by Allah's will and while Saqi was leaving the cell, Nabi Yusuf a.s mentioned to him, "don't forget to tell the Egyptian ruler about my ability and that i had intepreted and predicted your dream and that i was wrongly prisoned." Saqi said that he will. So, Nabi Yusuf a.s waited, and waited....for seven years long. seem that Saqi had forgotten about his message.
Then, malaikat Jibril pun came to the jail and asked to Nabi Yusuf a.s, Siapa yang menjadikanmu?."Tuhanku".Siapa yang menjadikan wajahmu cantik?."Tuhanku".Siapa yang mengeluarkanmu dari perigi?."Tuhanku".Siapa yang menyelamatkanmu dari bencana Zulaikha dan Siapa yang menjadikan kanak-kanak itu sebagai saksi?."Tuhanku, Tuhanku".
Jika begitu, kenapa kamu minta tolong kepada makhluk lain, bukan Allah?. Sambung Jibril lagi, moyangmu Ibrahim, sewaktu dicampakkan ke dalam api meminta pertolongan dari Allah. Mendengar kata-kata itu, Nabi Yusuf a.s pengsan. Sesudah pengsan,beliau bangun lalu menangis sehingga 7 hari, ada riwayat yang menagatakan hingga 10 hari.
2. Kisah Nabi Ayub a.s
Long story cut short, this is after his children had been killed by Allah's will and after he had contracted the skin disease which caused worms to nest in it, also by Allah's will after satan had asked for it. His wife asked, when will our suffering ends? we had suffer long enough. (3-4 years if i'm not mistaken). Nabi Ayub a.s answered, "Allah had given us plenty of rezeki for 60 years and now He'd only took back what is His for only 3 years. what right do we have to complain?" and then his wife asked for Nabi Ayub a.s to ask Allah to alleviate their suffering but Nabi Ayub replied, sesungguhnya aku malu hendak meminta dengan Allah kerana Dia hanya mengambil balik hakNya. then. we all knw what happen next. and he never ever ask Allah to ease his suffering at all.
So, adik-adik, point to ponder,
baru kena ujian 3-4 bulan dah komplen, Allah bagi nikmat 25 tahun xmintak balasan pape pun, pernah kita bersyukur kat setiap apa yang Allah beri? the air we breath, the ability for our lungs to expand, the cleanliness of the air we breath, the creation of nostrils, mouth, throat as the passage for the air...i can rant forever and it wont still be enuff..
dok mintak tolong kat orang sini sana tapi forget to mintak kat Allah. apa kuasa sgt orang2 ni ada? lemah sgt. makin lama makin putus asa tapi nabi Yususf dan Nabi Ayub tu mintak doa sampai 7 tahun xpernah putus. Ni xdpt sikit nk frust dah. memalukan. n Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib r.a pernah pesan jangan terjebak ke lembah kefakiran kerana dengannya datang kehinaan and fakir itu membuat jiwa dan iman menjadi lemah. selalulah bersadaqah kerana sadaqah itu berterusan dan pulangannya lebih. jauhilah penyakit Al-wahan, yakni cintakan dunia.
n the stunning discovery that i found is dat the world never changes. dari dulu sampai sekrg camtu je. this gen kena bala, then insaf, then lupa, then wat balik, then kena bala balik.dari zaman Nabi Adam a.s lagi.
of kos, i'm talking bout myself and anyone who come across this bole la wat ikitbar. peace.
hmm...u noe what i would say rite??hihihi..but y we?why org yang tak berapa nk ingatkan DIA mudah saja perjalanannya?
cz our aim is the everafter my dear..the world is only our r&r..think long and u'll c in the end wht matters is not wealth..ask most old pepel, so, how ur life so far? puas? most akan jwb xda apa..byk membazir..sat je masa tu blalu..ibarat haba al mansura..like the flying dust
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