Friday, June 9, 2017

Go Go Pokemong GO

After being severely addicted to Pokemon Go last year (chased by a dog while collecting pokestops, camp under the shining sun to capture gyms, wasting lots of petroringgit, u got it rite?), I was sent a blessing by God himself to cure my addiction and hence, my account was banned, all thanks to Khairil and his brilliant radar. after migrating back here and thought the ghost of pokemong go was buried, Khairil wassaped me on the latest update. it had my mind spinning and after hours of thorough and calculated thoughts, I'd decided to take the risk and reinstall back the game under a new account. And since I want the journey this time around not as tedious and laboring as previously done, I decided that I want to blog about my progress. Much to my dismay bertam is not for pokemon go trainers. Pokestops are scarce and the only gym I found was at the big mosque (which yours truly managed to conquer for a little while today, thank u, thank u). MOst of the pokemons are common bug ones, maybe its due to my low level and seems to be spinarak nests. So after day 1, here's my progress so far. Level 6 Choosed Team Instinct (sorry, team mystique ) Pokemon caught: 007-squirtle 013- weedle 014- kakuna 016- pidgey 019- rattata 021- spearow 048- venonat 102- exeggcute 133- eevee 161- sentret 162- furret 163- hoothoot 167- spinarak 170- chinchou 177- natu 183- marill 185- sudowoodo 198- murkrow (1st pokemon caught on the new account) 204- pineco 216- teddiursa 222- corsola catch of the day: The exeggcute cp102. nothing special its just i miss the guy. bring back memories of the excitement seeing him for the first time at petronas tebobon (which was a exeggcute and zubat nest) goin back tomorrow to mom's house. hopefully something good will appear over the long weekend. I caught a machop once at my house previously. k bye

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cerita tahun lepas

dah la aku x post anything na, bukan sebuk tera mana pn tp pemaleh. since i discovered that i have tons of pics in my hp peraming in my hp since the i bought it, i decided to upload a few pics that pencilled my life so far.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Gunner till I die

well, it's time of the year again. the time when Arsenal sold their star. We did it last year, the year before that, and most probably next year as well. For me, to be a true gunner, is to stick with the club through thick and thin. we, the fans could do it. Legends, such as Tony Adams and Dennis Bergkamp could do it. But when men decide to swallow his pride and sell his soul to the devil, it is becoming understandable why it is so. why it is the way. RIP RVP.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

next step

wah.since i'd become engaged ni, terasa nk berubah menjadi a better person. xda sapa suruh, mmg tergerak dgn sendiri. solat pun bc denagn lebih tartil, men game pun krg. sebab terasa nk jadi pemimpin keluarga kot. xkn aa nnt aku nk berebut men game dgn anak aku kot.mula2 xterasa apa2 lg, sehari dua pastu..shoit..da jd tunangan org ghupenye aku yg separa matang ni.....bersambung di bulan 9 lak nnt. kiki

-rombongan menyunting bunga di taman dah sampai-

Monday, March 5, 2012


-taeeona seo neol mannago, jugeul mankeum saranghago,
parake muldereo sirin nae maeum, neneul gamado neol neukkil su eobt janha-

-I was born and I met you, and I have loved you to death,
my cold heart that has been dyed blue, even with my eyes closed I can't feel you-

Thursday, December 15, 2011


hari ni mmg bersejarah.aku ingat selama ni aku la ho plg bangang dan xguna kat msia ni. tp hari ni, aku dpt satu shif dgn org yg lg dasyat dari aku. grad uk lak tu. patut power aa kan. sekali cait, hapah pn xreti. tp tu xkisah la kan. kalau da bangan tu blaja la. ni x. pemalas gile. keje satu hapah pn xwat. masuk shif, lenggang, sampai nk habes shif baru wat2 rajin. pala hotak ko! aku kisah org bodo sbb aku pun bodo. aku xkisah malas sbb aku pun malas. tapi sampai xwat keje, patient nk mati pun le wat dono. ni dah kronik tahap gaban ni. xpe la, thanks to her aku kena jd lebih rajin dan pandai.tq2. pastu bab solat dgn rehat ckp jaga. bagus la, balik2 patient dah in shock ha ambik. mmg la aku jahat tinggal semayang, tapi kalau aku g semayang sapa nk tgk patient tu? dah nk k.o da, heart rate low, bp high gile. Allah maha adil dan mengetahui la. ko wat camni kat org ko tgk la balasan ko nnt. nama je alim konon, tapi mkn gaji xhalal. keje pun hapah xwat. aku mmg perangai cm syial tp time keje aku wat aa keje aku. da aku tau aku ni mkn gaji n gaji tu nk jadi darah daging aku. org2 len dok mengata gk mula2 tapi aku xcaya lg. sekali kena ha,bygkn aku ni yg penyabar ni, le baran dgn die. da nama dr wat aa keje dr, ko bkn medical student lg. hai, camna la le grad uk. wat malu je.

Sunday, December 11, 2011