Dka=hypergly,acidosis,ketosis/uria. mx=gik regime/sliding scale.correct?check sat.
yeah, u think u know so much now but the moment u step in2 the exam hall, everything goes blank...totally..
i'm just afraid of the long case in a sense that when u take time to think they think u r unsure or dunno anything. so, to be confident is to try answer as fast n precise as you could, with the ability to blurt non-stop 4 30 sec will impose a significant impression to the examiners.
but many times it happened b4 when i tried this tactic, i'd end up looking stupider than i appear..then, i start to dig my hole..
so, the question is, whts the time limit u have to think. before u appear to be stupid? i say 10 sec is too long.. around 2-3 sec. with 5 sec max..
if u get an easy case, then this is achivable. but, if u get a hard case, say, ITP or some other rare cases that u never seen in the ward but suddenly they appear in the exam, thank god, like MM or MS or M.Night Syamalan syndrome..then, u'll go like..hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran down the clock, fuck fuckety fuck..
so, i think wht i'm gonna do is give 2-5 minutes to the patient to tell everything he wants to tell. then, shoot him with close-ended yes/no answers to the end (5 minutes). then, quickly do vitals n gen (5min icl BP), specific systems (5 min), other systems (5 minutes)=25-30 minutes. the next 30 minutes will be arraging the hx, p/e, do a nice summary, give min 3 Dd, do ix with blood, imaging, special, then mx non-pharm/pharm/sx. 20 min. then 5 min to rite aetiology/patho/risk factor/complication/prog of prov Dd. there, 1 hour in total.
b4 dis in exam, i'm very nice to the patient, clerking like 40 min with rapport building+empathy thn, realize, shyte, i havent examine the eye/pregnant stomach/MSE.
ipman/ipman2 had thought me dat sometimes being the nice guy just don't work.
u hav to wingchun it.
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