while i was on my way back from maghrib, suddenly at the masjid steps i overheard 2 child talking,..."how do u spell emcouragement?"."aaa...aaa....encoauragement"..y is dis phenomenal where malaysian children learning spelling in english is so widespread now?".its all because of this tv show, Spell it Right. link: http://www.nst.com.my/Sir/index_html. what struck me is dat how much influence it had on the kids. admit laa, do u ever had dis kind of conversation at tepi2 jalan when u was a child? xpenah kan? n spelling wasnt my forte either..so, much i was upset with my inability to spell dat it just make me dont bother anymore..but, tiba2 rasa malu doh kalau dak2 3-4 tahun can spell better than u..so , i wonder why is this show is so influential???
aku tertgk satu episode cite ni n trust me its not entertaining at all..aku rasa budak2 pun akan tukar pegi cenel len,, so, sapa2 yg ada adik atau anak yg masih di bangku sekolah rendah, boleh x tanya depa apa yg best sgt cite ni??
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