since everybody is doing this so, i thought y don't i share a few highlights of the past decade as well, since 50% of my entire lifespan had been sacrificed to football. (definitely worth it!)
-2002 first time dribble org. after kena sound dgn senior baru berani wat. rasa puas ati gila. mcm captain tsubasa tgh terbang.
-2003 the year man u beomes the most hated club in football history, thanks to RVN and Keane.
-baca tapak tgn aku ni!-
-2003 the spread of FM and its disastrous aftermath.
-The father of all evil-
-2004 the invincibles, luckily i got a scrap book bout it..i never knew this was coming and just start out of own boredom..
-2004 the euro is just insane in KMB.
-2006 paris, what if Lehmann became sane for once and we still have 11 man on the pitch?
-2006 goin to the world cup. 2 days before baru dpt tiket woo..imagine the euphoria.
-2007 the most beautiful pass i'd ever made. in a crowded field, i spot a teammate and he's like 10m from me. but i got 2 persons on my front and left side. right dah out. so, i potong the bola fully, it's more like a sweep, using my right foot. the ball just arched beautifully over the person head and landed spot on my teammate foot.
-bola di ireland, god i missed it-
-2008 i scored two beautiful goals in consecutive matches. both are scored while wearing crocs. the first, i got a low pass from the right but it passed through me. so decide to take it with my left and it connect with my insoles and the ball went curling inside slowly to the super bottom corner beyond a stretched gk. next, i got a thorugh pass and managed to read it before the defender. so i nicked it in front of the defender and slot it with my right outsides and left the gk totally in shock as he was prepared to collect the ball. moral; crocs lead to beautiful goals and helps diabetic foot.
-2008 to the emirates. Absolutely best! jd mcm bdk2, jakun gile throughout. plus, a superb goal from Flamini.
-adieu, Kamal. menyesal aku blah Arsenal. AC bkn tere pn-
-2009 the most beautiful assist i'd ever made. main ptg2 but the team is withdrawing after an attack and the opposition is already on attack mode. but the somehow the ball is lost in the middle of the park. and with my butt facing the opponent's goal, i managed to spot kudud and thread a beautiful lobbed backheel to him. kudud was left with the easy job. credit to me woi!
-2009 the day Arsenal lost a 2 goal lead to drew 4-4 in the last 5 minutes. i woke up at 4 am to see it and it still hurts till today.
-2009 watching the PMC team do their stuff at intercollege tournament. ya, obesity caught up with me. but the team is simply magical. jere freekick, kudud long range goal and mike's neverending stamina was unforgettable.
-Bile lg nk bole main bola pasnih? sangap woo-