As they say, the world is indeed round as i happen to found out today. I woke up at 2 due to excessive stayin up (90% lagha stuff, 10% edu), then i really need to have my SCC/mole/tumor checked out since yesterday at futsal, a piece of it fell off while i was wiping my sweat on my face. and the site was bleeding. So, then, i was having a panic attack and thinkin if this is really cancer, then crap. the thing bud off since may but as a Malaysian and with my terrible health seeking behaviour, there's no way i'm going to have it looked at. But, now being scared, so i decided to go to the skin clinic at 230pm.
Then, upon entering the consultation room, the doctor looked at my face and straight away, "ah, ini senang ja, 10 minutes operation.jom."..................dia tengok in one go and straight away tell me to an operation? if i was not educated in a medicinal way then i would certainly jumped off and run since the word operation, to any average person means lying on a bed in drapes under GA and having ur abdomen opened up and being worked at. Then, i ask slowly, what is this doctor?'s called pyogenic granuloma. really? wouldn't anything with 'pyo' will excrete pus? i want to argue my point tapi it will dedahkan my identity as a incompetent medical student. and luckily too i kept my big mouth shut. since pyogenic granuloma is a misnomer and its actually a hemangioma, if i'm not mistaken.
-piala untuk bakat gue. notice the pyogenic granuloma-
Then, went to bed, sakit mcm kena tattoo but since i'm going to do worse to my patient so i didn't mind. Then, he said my face xleh kena air in 6 hrs. and the great news is i came with my bike. and the greater news is it's raining outside.then, i wait for 10 minutes n call penyu n decide to hang out at pragin since it's nearby and he's there already.ujan pun dah stop sebentar.
-post op-
kat pragin sume org tgk muka aku macam tengok seekor beruk. pandangan yg penuh keanehan. xpenah tgk bandage kt muka org ke depa ni? lepak2,then nk balik around 430pm, kuar kt parking tu ujan lebat yg amat. aku lepa k bawah bumbung parking tu till aku usha pakcik tu u-turn masuk balik parking, then aku follow dia. penyu msg suro tgk wayang so, aku pun terima aa cadangan bernas die. aku nk solat asar pun kena tayammum.
-contoh ujan lebat di pulau pinang. permandangan dari bilik gue-
then, sampai kt wayang around 5pm, aku ade 2 option. tsnuami in heundae at 515pm or gamer at 520pm. aku call champ n dia ckp gamer tu cite bunuh2 dlm game so, dah la aku menyampah tgk cite bunuh2 ni, aku pn tgk la tsunami. aku bajet xde org so bole la nk wat mcm bilik sendiri sekali ada ;la dlm 10-15 org. cite mcm cite korea tipikal la, lembab sikit awal2 tapi 10x better than our movies kot.
then, time part last2 tu mmg aku dah terbawa2 dgn storyline die then,, shit, apsal aku ada airmata ni? aku nangis sial!! malu gila. aku xpenah nangis dekat 10 tahun lebih woo. mmg sebak habis aa..aku kesian sgt kt depa tu. sekarang pun kalau teringat aku sedih lagi. mmg xle nk cover airmata dah aa..dgn berhingus lagi..waa!!!!!!!!!!!!
then, kuar2 wayang ade miskol. abg aku. aku call balik die ckp ofis dia tadi ade earthquake. tingkap sume bergegear n kena evacuate building. wha? dah aku start pk pelik2 dah. xkn nk tsunami kot. dah la otak aku tgh penuh dgn babak2 movie tadi. so, aku pun call la org2 tersayang in case anything happen. seb baik xde tsunami. xnk woo. dah kena sekali cukup la.
so, if aku xbgn kol 2 hari ni, n if aku x decide nk pegi to the clinic on that day (sebab aku dah plan nk pegi since sebulan lg), if die xujan masa aku kuar clinic, if die xujan masa aku kuar pragin mall, if aku pilih movie gamer instead of tsunami in haeundae...none of the things that happen 2day will is certainly amazing. n it shows u that there are always options. n it's up to us to determine which is the best option. and what might seems to be the best option doesn't neccessarily produce the best outcome. n i'm still a crybaby. n now my face hurts like hell..
-teman study gue-